Belgique Wallonie
From 15 June 2022 10:30 until 15 June 2022 13:00

Do you want to exchange view with other key actors on how to support SMEs to apply for green and circular tenders?

The Erasmus+ GREENER project is organising its first workshop and test its training material on green and circular procurement. This Erasmus+ project aims to improve the skills of companies (with main focus on SMEs) to facilitate their involvement in Circular and Green Public Procurement (CPP/GPP). In the framework of GREENER, partners developed a Skills Framework (resulting from interviews and survey with SMEs and Public Authorities) and a 5-module training course for SMEs.

The workshop will take place in an hybrid format and it will be divided in two parts. The first part, open for the Advisory Group, aims at getting feedback on the aboved mentioned project outcomes. The second part is open also to a wider range of stakehodlers and will consist in a pilot testing.

To attend, please register here.

Event’s agenda

10.30 Welcoming pilot testing group
10.45 Results of the GREENER project and evaluation of the training material
11.30 Pilot testing
12.30 Discussion
12.45 Closing remarks

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