L’actualité européenne sélectionnée pour les entreprises et acteurs actifs à l’international – The selected European Current affairs
Au sommaire
- EU grants Sri Lanka improved access to its market.
- CETA : REX nouveau système d’auto-certification de l’origine préférentielle.
- La Commission lance une réflexion sur la maîtrise de la mondialisation.
- Commission welcomes adoption of new rules to block tax avoidance.
- EU – China economic relations.
- Access to finance for Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) and their academic and industrial partners.
- New analysis of tech clusters puts Europe in the shade.
- ISA² programme.
- Marché unique numérique: les négociateurs de l’UE s’accordent sur l’initiative WiFi4EU.
- Spotlight on the future of European defence.
- The Silver Economy Awards 2017 .
- The European Inventor Award 2018.
- The Circular Economy Mission to Colombia .
- Study on information and assistance needs of businesses operating cross-border within the EU.
- Call for Organics Innovations 2017.
- Calls for proposals for the Preparatory Action on Defence Research.
- Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth.
- 2017 Survey of Global Investment and Innovation Incentives.
- WTO Annual Report 2017.
- The International Forum on Women and Trade 20 June 2017 Brussels;
- New world order: Science, Technology & Trade, 27 June, Brussels.
- Increasing impact from publicly funded research – Lessons from the bioeconomy. 28 June 2017, Brussels.
- DSM Cloud Stakeholder Meeting, 29 June 2017 Brussels.
Abonnement et infos complémentaires :
Chantal Léonard Coordinatrice AWEX EU Représentation de la Belgique auprès de l’UE Tel : +32 2 233 03 84 Mob : +32 478 55 16 11 Chantal.Leonard@diplobel.fed.be |