L’actualité européenne sélectionnée pour les entreprises et acteurs actifs à l’international
Au sommaire – télécharger le document complet ici
- EU trade agreements in place deliver tangible benefits.
- Latest negotiating round with Mercosur.
- Commission seeks views on how best to encourage sustainable investments.
- The EU and the IMF support resource-rich countries in the management of natural resource wealth.
- Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Mongolia enters into force.
- EU and Egypt cooperation: towards a stronger partnership.
- 30 milliards d’euros dans de nouvelles solutions pour répondre aux défis sociétaux et encourager l’innovation de rupture.
- The EU Emissions Trading System.
- Travailleurs détachés.
- Healthcare & Medical Technologies | China.
- Healthcare & Medical Technologies | Japan.
- NearUS Research2Market Bootcamp.
- Business Beyond Borders At Trustech 2017.
- Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies
- Pilot project — network of European green capitals.
- Nouveaux appels Interreg Europe du Nord-Ouest (NWE) .
- Comment rédiger un bon projet de R&D européen ?
- The future shape of UK-EU relations.
- Déficit public de la zone euro et de l’UE28.
- The European Week for Waste Reduction, 18-26 November 2017.
- COFFERS meets FairTax: Joint Perspectives on Fair and Sustainable Taxation, 21 November 2017, Brussels.
- European Pilot Production Network » on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, 28 November 2017, Brussels.
- Science Meets Parliaments, 28 November 2017, Brussels.
- European Trade Policy Day – Trade Policy in a Turbulent World, 5 December 2017, Brussels.
- Joining forces in public procurement to power investment, 7 december 2017, Brussels
Infos et abonnements
Chantal Léonard Coordinatrice AWEX EU Représentation de la Belgique auprès de l’UE Tel : +32 2 233 03 84 Mob : +32 478 55 16 11 Chantal.Leonard@diplobel.fed.be |