Belgique Wallonie

L’actualité européenne sélectionnée pour les entreprises et acteurs actifs à l’international 

Au sommaire :

  • Commission Work Programme 2022.
  • EU and US agree to start discussions on a Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium and suspend steel and aluminium trade disputes.
  • Impact of trade chapters of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements with six partners: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.
  • Launch of new intellectual property helpdesk service for European SMEs doing business in Africa. 
  • EU launches International Just Energy Transition Partnership with South Africa.
  • Commission collects views on making liability rules fit for the digital age, Artificial Intelligence and circular economy. 
  • An analysis of SMEs’ needs in public procurement.
  • The data.europa academy.
  • New European Bauhaus info sessions on available funding.
  • The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) opens its call for Europe’s Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI).
  • CEDR Research Call 2021 is open with the two research programmes: Climate Change Resilience, and Remote Condition Monitoring of Physical Road Assets.
  • Become an External Evaluator for the RDA Open Calls in the EOSC Future project.
  • IoT-NGIN  (Internet of Things) announces Open Call #1
  • ECCP’s (European Clusters Collaborative Plateform) Annual Survey.
  • Join the Women4Cyber Registry.
  • Latest statistics on EU jobs and the EU exports published:  a 75% increase in two decades.
  • Industry enterprises: largest share of trade value.
  • CONCORDi 2021, the biennial European conference on corporate R&D and innovation, online event, 22 – 25 November 2021. 
  • RE Africa Energy Summit, 24 November 2021.
  • The new European Innovation Council (EIC), first Summit,  24 – 25 November 2021, Brussels and online. 
  • EIT Food’s Future of Food Conference 2021, hybrid event, 30 November 1 December 2021.
  • BioFIT 2021, virtual event, 7to 9 December 2021.  

Abonnement et informations complémentaires :

Chantal Léonard
Coordinatrice AWEX EU Office
Représentation de la Belgique auprès de l’UE
Tel : +32 2 233 03 84
Mob : +32 478 55 16 11 

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