Belgique Wallonie

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Companies & RTD performers displaying promising health research outcomes in terms of commercial exploitation and new business development. Entrepreneurs, SMEs & researchers seeking for strategic partners to bring their products and solutions to the market will explore opportunities for business creation, financial support and further public-private research collaboration.

Alors, vous pouvez participer gratuitement au B2B Medica ( 217 entreprises issues de 29 pays inscrites à ce jour).

L’entrée au salon ( +/-20 €) est payante.

During the FIRST STEP of your registration please select BE-Wallonia as local support office and do not forget to enter FFH2.0 as promotional code at the PAYMENT step.

In addition, renowned experts of the Fit for Health consortium (i.e. Dr Haberl (FFG) National Contact Point for SMEs; Mr Scherer (Eurice) EU IPR-Helpdesk &  Mr Abghay (Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum) Innovation Management & tech transfer expert) will be available on 17/11/2015 for one-to one consultations.

Dead-line de soumission des profils: 19 Novembre

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