Belgique Wallonie

Biomedical Partnering Event se tiendra les 16 & 17 juin à Liverpool (UK).

Une centaine de bourses sont disponibles pour les entreprises « du continent » afin de couvrir leurs frais de déplacement/ hôtel.

The North of England has a vibrant network of around 1000 biomedical companies. The North West is one of the UK’s top three biomedical clusters and home to the largest single site clinical campus.

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) have teamed up with IFB2016, a global market place for creating connections and doing deals. It brings together thousands of businesses from around the world for three weeks of events, networking and deal-making. The partnering event will provide delegates with the opportunity to meet potential collaborative partners and business support agencies through facilitated face-to-face meetings.

Target audience

  • Companies, universities and research organisations from Europe and beyond active in biomedical sectors including:
  • Biotech and Pharmaceutical
  • Contract Research Organisation (CRO)
  • Contract Manufacturing Organisation (CMO)
  • Diagnostics
  • Analytical
  • Medical Technology
  • Healthcare
  • Precision Medicine
  • Digital Health.

For more details and to register please go to


The travel allowance will be up to £500 (about €650) per company/university and will be based on actual cost (if cost of travel + hotel is £400 for example, we will reimburse £400. If it is £700, we will allocate the full £500). We are of course interested in bringing companies which are looking for new technologies/products but the grant allocation will be offered on project merit and interesting projects offering technology/product to UK companies we feel offer potential and will benefit from a travel grant.

If the company is approved they can book their flight and send us a copy of the invoice. We have already booked hotel rooms and will pay them direct for 15-16th June. Once the company arrives at the event and sign participation sheet, the flight costs will be transferred into the company’s account. In conclusion we will directly pay £150 in hotel/subsistence and up to £350 will be reimbursed for flight, making the total grant up to £500.

How is the travel grant allocated?

The companies/Institutions need to register and submit your profile before 6th of May 2016 at

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