Belgique Wallonie

Do you work with dangerous substances or man age people who do? Do you need more information on how to assess and manage the risks? If so, have a look at EU-OSHA’s comprehensive new database on practical tools and guidance on dangerous substances, with links to key resources and audiovisual tools from Member States, EU and beyond. It includes several new case studies created for the current Healthy Workplaces Campaign, which provide real-life examples of good practice in dealing with dangerous substances.

The hundreds of database entries cover topics like training or risk assessment, carcinogens and substitution. What’s more, the database is easy to search, so, if you are interested in resources on a specific country, sector, work task or hazard, you can quickly and easily find exactly what you’re looking for.

Search the dangerous substances database now

Find out more about the Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances campaign 

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Enquête de la Commission Européenne sur les obstacles administratifs dans le domaine de la construction


EVENT | SustainableSolutionsMatch | 7-21 février 2025


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