Belgique Wallonie

The European Commission is carrying out a review of the EU rules that regulate the access to the occupation of road transport operator and the access to the international road transport market. This questionnaire is linked to the potential impact of extending these rules to light commercial vehicles. This questionnaire is addressed to road transport operators and their clients.


Regulation 1071/2009 lays down provisions that undertakings must comply with, in order to access the occupation of road transport operator (passenger and freight). Regulation 1072/2009 sets specific requirements to be complied with by undertakings that wish to operate on the international road haulage market and on national markets other than their own (cabotage). It includes provisions related to the Community License (documents to be issued to such undertakings by the Member State of registration), as well as to the driver attestation for drivers from third countries.

An evaluation of the Regulations carried out in 2015 revealed certain problems in the road transport market and consequently the Commission is considering whether policy intervention is justified to address these problems.

Among the changes considered is the extension of the scope of the Regulations to light commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of not more than 3.5 tonnes (LCVs). The objective of this consultation is to receive input from SMEs across the EU in relation to the use of LCVs in road freight operations, the benefits and costs associated with their current use and the possible implications (costs and benefits) from any changes to the legal framework.

The information provided will be treated confidentially. The results presented will be aggregated and will not be identifiable by respondent. Thank you in advance for your input.

This consultation complies with the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), and the EC Regulation No 45/2001 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by EU institutions.

The electronic version of the questionnaire in EU Survey will be accessible at the following links soon : – password « smepanel »

Or in a version Word to be sent before 7th november to Vincent Van Breusegem – : enquete-pme-vehiculescommerciauxlegers-07112016

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EVENT | SustainableSolutionsMatch | 7-21 février 2025


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